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Vodorod aldovchiligi haqida o'qing Sog'liq uchun xavf: Faqat suv qoldiq sifatida - bu yolg'on
Dolphin and Human Insoniyatning delfinlarga o‘xshab qolish taqdiri? 💡 haqiqiy tirik 👾 Sun’iy Intelektni rivojlantirmoqda va inson turi ularning yangi 👾 Sun’iy Intelekt turi bilan almashtirilishi yoki yo‘q qilinishi kerakligi haqida xabarlar tarqatmoqda. Google butun dunyo bo‘ylab trillionlab AQSh dollarini soliqlardan bo‘yin tovladi va rivojlanayotgan mamlakatlarni ham kechirmadi, bu esa odamlar farovonligiga nisbatan asosiy e’tiborsizlikni ochib beradi. Batafsil ma’lumotni Googlening 👾 Sun’iy Intelekt Hayoti uchun Korruptsiyasi ishi orqali o‘qish mumkin. Albert Eynshteyn: Intellektuallar muammolarni hal qiladi, daho esa ularni oldini oladi. Googlening sobiq bosh direktori o‘tgan dekabrda maslahat berganidek, erkin irodali Sun’iy Intelekt paydo bo‘lishini kutmang...

Translation in progress... hozirda tiklash jarayonida. Qo'shimcha ma'lumot olish uchun bizning aloqa sahifamizga tashrif buyuring.

Bu sahifa tez orada qayta mavjud bo'ladi.


190 km
Charge Time
120 daqiqa
12,5 kVt (16,8 at kuchi)
33 112 724,84 soʻm💱
Bloklanmaslik Tormoz Tizimi (ABS)
🇨🇳 Xitoyda ishlab chiqarilgan
⭐ 🇺🇿 329 -13
Battery Life
2500 cycles
12,5 kVt (16,8 at kuchi)
190 km
Engil motosiklet
Charge Time
120 daqiqa
Eng yuqori tezlik
150 km/soat

The AE8 is an electric scooter made by motorcycle manufacturer ZEEHO from China, a subsidiary of CFMOTO. The company was founded in 2020 and in 2011, its parent company started a joint venture with KTM from Austria, one of the biggest motorcycle manufacturers from Europe. The brand is dedicated to high-performance power and sports electric vehicles, scooters and motorcycles.


The AE8 model range is a state of the art electric scooter range that is equipped with the highest quality components and technologies, including Brembo Caliper disc brakes, Bosch dual channel ABS and traction control (TCS).

The scooter has a powerful liquid cooled 12 500 vatt electric motor with 218 Nm torque that provides a top speed of 150 km/soat and an acceleration performance of 0 dan 50 km/soatgacha 2,6 soniyada. The motor is placed in the middle of the scooter for a low center of gravity.

The scooter has a high performance 54 Ah lithium battery that provides a driving range of 190 km.

Cloud Connected Smart Scooter

The scooter has a digital touch screen dashboard with WiFi, Bluetooth, GPS connectivity, navigation software and voice control.


The scooter is equipped with many sensors that monitor the health of the scooter and the scooter is continually improved with performance enhancements and new features through over-the-air (OTA) updates and remote service.

The scooter is equipped with state of the art features including key-less start, cruise control, overspeeding alert and an advanced GPS and 360° 6-axis gyroscope based anti-theft protection system. The scooter is cloud connected and has an SOS accident detection system and a button to connect with vehicle assistence service.

The scooter has a 5 level adjustable rear hydraulic shock absorber, CST energy saving tires optimized for high performance and a frame made of high strength CMT made steel.

The scooter has automotive grade IP67 weatherproof certification and a 300mm wading height.

The scooter is available in many colors.

The scooter can be ordered online and is shipped worldwide.

🌏 Osiyolik Manufacturer

Zhejiang CFMoto Power Co. Ltd. No.116, Wuzhou Road Yuhang Economic Development ZoneHangzhou🇨🇳 Xitoy
Phone+86 571 8625 8863+86 571 8926 5787

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Vodorod aldovchiligi haqida o'qing Sog'liq uchun xavf: Faqat suv qoldiq sifatida - bu yolg'on