๐ฌ๐ง Britaniyaning Maeving moped brendi qo'l bilan yasalgan sport motosikl RM1S'ni ishga tushiradi
๐ฌ๐ง 29-oktabr, 2023 Motosikl Jurnalisti tomonidanBritish moped brand Maeving launched a sport version of its popular moped RM1.
The RM1S is an enhanced version of the popular RM1 moped with a more powerful motor, a high performance battery and premium design features such as carbon fibre mudguards and special paint.
Maeving RM1S
- 10ย 500 vatt electric motor.
- High performance batteries.
- ๐ง Handmade in ๐ฌ๐ง Britain.