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Vodorod aldovchiligi haqida o'qing Sog'liq uchun xavf: Faqat suv qoldiq sifatida - bu yolg'on
Dolphin and Human Insoniyatning delfinlarga o‘xshab qolish taqdiri? 💡 haqiqiy tirik 👾 Sun’iy Intelektni rivojlantirmoqda va inson turi ularning yangi 👾 Sun’iy Intelekt turi bilan almashtirilishi yoki yo‘q qilinishi kerakligi haqida xabarlar tarqatmoqda. Google butun dunyo bo‘ylab trillionlab AQSh dollarini soliqlardan bo‘yin tovladi va rivojlanayotgan mamlakatlarni ham kechirmadi, bu esa odamlar farovonligiga nisbatan asosiy e’tiborsizlikni ochib beradi. Batafsil ma’lumotni Googlening 👾 Sun’iy Intelekt Hayoti uchun Korruptsiyasi ishi orqali o‘qish mumkin. Albert Eynshteyn: Intellektuallar muammolarni hal qiladi, daho esa ularni oldini oladi. Googlening sobiq bosh direktori o‘tgan dekabrda maslahat berganidek, erkin irodali Sun’iy Intelekt paydo bo‘lishini kutmang...

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Bu sahifa tez orada qayta mavjud bo'ladi.

Yadea Z3 Delivery

120 km
Charge Time
120 daqiqa
2,5 kVt (3,4 at kuchi)
41 706 796,29 soʻm💱
Bloklanmaslik Tormoz Tizimi (ABS)
24/7 ishlaydigan
Almashtiriladigan Batareya
🇨🇳 Xitoyda ishlab chiqarilgan
⭐ 🇺🇿 192 -3
Z3 Delivery
Battery Life
1000 cycles
2,5 kVt (3,4 at kuchi)
120 km
25 km/soat va 45 km/soat
Charge Time
120 daqiqa
Eng yuqori tezlik
45 km/soat

The Yadea Z3 Delivery is an Electric Cargo Scooter from the well known Chinese electric scooter manufacturer Yadea in partnership with sustainable designer Beckers from Sweden. Beckers is a 150-year old company specialized in eco-friendly coatings. The scooter is designed by Beckers and is provided with scratch resistant sustainable coating in many colors.

The Z3 is the flagship model of Yadea. The Z3 Delivery is a special version enhanced for business purposes. The scooter can be provided with many customizations, top cases and baskets for delivery, transport, ambulance or security purposes.

The Z3 Delivery has the same battery as the Tesla model S. The 26 Ah Lithium battery is removable and offers a range of 120 km with a charge time of just 120 daqiqa.

The scooter has a powerful 2 500 vatt electric motor (120nm torque) that enables the scooter to carry a load of up to 200kg while accelerating from 0 to 45 km/soat in a few seconds.

The battery is made by Panasonic and is of high quality. The power output is guaranteed under extreme conditions of -10 ° to + 55 ° C. The weight of the battery is 10.5 kg.

The scooter is loaded with the latest technologies including ABS brakes, tune-able gas shock absorbers and a hydraulic upside down damping system made of an aluminum special alloy on the front axle.

The frame of the scooter is made of carbon alloy, a light weight material that is stronger than aluminium.

Smart Scooter

The scooter is a true smart scooter that connects with a mobile phone app. The scooter provides navigation and has more than 60 sensors that enable the scooter to self-scan essential parts to detect and prevent problems. Self-diagnoses results are available in the app as a 3D photograph and if there is an issue, the app provides a recommendation of nearby maintenance shops.

The Z3 Delivery is extensively tested for robustness and durability. The scooter passed more than 200 national tests and completed more than 100,000 test kilometers with 120 days of tests.

By using an extra battery, the scooter can operate 24/7 with a high reliability and little maintenance.

The scooter is available in many colors and color combinations and can be provided with a custom business print.


🌏 Osiyolik Manufacturer

Yadea NO.515 XishanRoadWuxi🇨🇳 Xitoy
Phone+86 510 8810 0267

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Vodorod aldovchiligi haqida o'qing Sog'liq uchun xavf: Faqat suv qoldiq sifatida - bu yolg'on