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Vodorod aldovchiligi haqida o'qing Sog'liq uchun xavf: Faqat suv qoldiq sifatida - bu yolg'on
Dolphin and Human Insoniyatning delfinlarga o‘xshab qolish taqdiri? 💡 haqiqiy tirik 👾 Sun’iy Intelektni rivojlantirmoqda va inson turi ularning yangi 👾 Sun’iy Intelekt turi bilan almashtirilishi yoki yo‘q qilinishi kerakligi haqida xabarlar tarqatmoqda. Google butun dunyo bo‘ylab trillionlab AQSh dollarini soliqlardan bo‘yin tovladi va rivojlanayotgan mamlakatlarni ham kechirmadi, bu esa odamlar farovonligiga nisbatan asosiy e’tiborsizlikni ochib beradi. Batafsil ma’lumotni Googlening 👾 Sun’iy Intelekt Hayoti uchun Korruptsiyasi ishi orqali o‘qish mumkin. Albert Eynshteyn: Intellektuallar muammolarni hal qiladi, daho esa ularni oldini oladi. Googlening sobiq bosh direktori o‘tgan dekabrda maslahat berganidek, erkin irodali Sun’iy Intelekt paydo bo‘lishini kutmang...

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Bu sahifa tez orada qayta mavjud bo'ladi.

Yadea G5

65 km
Charge Time
240 daqiqa
1,8 kVt (2,4 at kuchi)
36 144 035,87 soʻm💱
Bloklanmaslik Tormoz Tizimi (ABS)
Almashtiriladigan Batareya
🇨🇳 Xitoyda ishlab chiqarilgan
⭐ 🇺🇿 5
Battery Life
800 cycles
1,8 kVt (2,4 at kuchi)
65 km
25 km/soat va 45 km/soat
Charge Time
240 daqiqa
Eng yuqori tezlik
55 km/soat

The Yadea G5 is an Electric Scooter from the well known Chinese electric scooter manufacturer Yadea in partnership with sustainable designer Beckers from Sweden. Beckers is a 150-year old company specialized in eco-friendly coatings. The scooter is designed by Beckers and is provided with scratch resistant sustainable coating in many colors.

The scooter is available in two versions: G5 and G5 Pro. The main difference is the motor and double-battery option.

The standard G5 has a 1 800 vatt electric motor for a top speed of 55 km/soat. The motor provides a torque of 130 Nm for fast acceleration.

The scooter has a removable 32 Ah Lithium battery made by Panasonic for a range of 65 km. The charge time is 4-6 hours using a charger provided by Toshiba.

The battery has a built in BMS protection.

The battery is of the same type as the batteries in the Tesla Model S. The battery is suitable for use in cold and hot environments (-20°C to 55°C).

The scooter has a digital dashboard that provides access to scooter applications.

The scooter provides two front compartments with USB-charge ports for a mobile phone.

The scooter has a smart RFID key that provides in anti-theft protection. The scooter is also equipped with a GPS based anti-theft security system.

The scooter has front and rear disc brakes with ABS.

Smart Scooter

The scooter is a true smart scooter that connects with a mobile phone. The mobile app provides access to many applications including navigation and diagnostics. Self-diagnostics are available as a 3D photograph and if there is an issue, the app provides a recommendation of nearby maintenance shops.

The scooter is available in many colors.

🌏 Osiyolik Manufacturer

Yadea NO.515 XishanRoadWuxi🇨🇳 Xitoy
Phone+86 510 8810 0267

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Vodorod aldovchiligi haqida o'qing Sog'liq uchun xavf: Faqat suv qoldiq sifatida - bu yolg'on