Super Soco VS3
The VS3 is an electric scooter from the brand Super Soco from China. The company was founed in 2015 by Sherman Xie, a former general manager of exterior design at Honda. In 2017 the company entered into a joint venture with Vmoto from China/Australia.
The VS3 has a 3ย 100 vatt (3ย 000 vatt peak power) electric motor for a restricted top speed of 45 km/soat.
The scooter provides space for two Lithium batteries that provide a driving range of 100 km.
The rear of the scooter provides a carbon steel carrier that is compatible with a wide range of cargo boxes. The scooter is also available with a large front cargo basket.
The scooter has a rear cargo carrying capacity of 0 kg. The scooter tilts in corners to preserve a perfect vertical and horizontal position for the cargo.
Mini scooter car cross-over
The scooter is available with a top roof so that the scooter can be used during rain and snow, making it an ideal solution for city exploration.
Super Soco provides 3 years warranty.
The scooter is available in any color and with a custom business print.
The scooter can be ordered online and is shipped worldwide.
2025 Super Soco Models
Old Models
๐ Asian Manufacturer
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