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Vodorod aldovchiligi haqida o'qing Sog'liq uchun xavf: Faqat suv qoldiq sifatida - bu yolg'on
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Honda Motocompacto

19,3 km
Charge Time
210 daqiqa
0,5 kVt (0,7 at kuchi)
13 333 005,62 soʻm💱
Almashtiriladigan Batareya
🇯🇵 Yaponiyada ishlab chiqarilgan
⭐ 🇺🇿 209 -10
Battery Life
4000 cycles
0,5 kVt (0,7 at kuchi)
19,3 km
25 km/soat
Charge Time
210 daqiqa
19 kg

The Motocompacto is a foldable electric moped from the famous Japanese brand Honda. The moped was designed and developed by Honda engineers in Ohio and California, 🇺🇸 USA.

1981 honda trunk moped

The moped is an electric reincarnation of the popular Honda Motocompo that was launched in 1981. The Motocompo was introduced as a "trunk bike" (trabai) to fit inside the back of a car. The Motocompo maintains a cult status among compact bike enthusiasts.

The Honda Motocompacto folds similar to the original Motocompo, including handlebars and seat that drop down into the body. The moped folds up into a package barely larger than a briefcase, measuring just 73 x 54 x 9,4 sm.

The Honda Motocompacto weighs just 19 kg which is half the weight of the original 1980s Motocompo.

Honda plans to sell the moped paired with its electric cars.

Motocompacto is uniquely Honda – a fun, innovative and unexpected facet of our larger electrification strategy. Sold in conjunction with our new all-electric SUVs, Motocompacto supports our goal of carbon neutrality by helping customers with end-to-end zero-emissions transport.

The Motor Compopacto can be used as a mobile power source and offers multiple sockets, including USB.

Honda Motocompacto App

Smart moped.

The moped connects to a mobile phone app via Bluetooth for access to personalization settings such as lighting and ride modes.

The moped has a small digital dashboard.

Honda Motocompacto Dashboard

The moped is durable and uses a robust heat-treated aluminum frame and wheels, bright LED headlight and taillight, side reflectors, and a welded steel lock loop on the kickstand that is compatible with most bike locks.

The moped has many personalization options and can be ordered online through Honda's dedicated website

🌏 Osiyolik Manufacturer

Honda Motor Co., Ltd. 2-1-1 MinamiaoyamaMinato-ku🇯🇵 Yaponiya

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Vodorod aldovchiligi haqida o'qing Sog'liq uchun xavf: Faqat suv qoldiq sifatida - bu yolg'on