Gogoro SuperSport
The SuperSport is an electric scooter from Taiwanese electric scooter brand Gogoro, a subsidiary of HTC, one of the biggest smart phone makers in the world. The company is listed on NASDAQ and provides exceptionally high-quality and durable products.
Gogoro SuperSport - bu mashhur S2 Performance modelining yangi versiyasi bo'lib, Gogoro Series 2 skoteri uchun yuqori unumdorlik variantini taqdim etadi. Skuter S-Performance aksessuarlar toสปplami bilan mos keladi.
Skuter yangi SSmartcore hisoblash bloki bilan jihozlangan bo'lib, u ishlov berish tezligini 208% oshiradi, nolga teng kechikish bilan harakatlanish aniqligini, proaktiv xavfsizlik xususiyatlarini va masofadan boshqarish imkoniyatlarini ta'minlaydi.
The scooter has a powerful 7ย 600 vatt electric motor with 213 Nm torque. The scooter has a top speed of 96 km/soat and accelerates from 0 dan 50 km/soatgacha 3,9 soniyada.
The scooter has a digital LTE connected dashboard that connects to a smart phone. The dashboard can be operated using voice control.
The scooter has many enhancements for racing including a 245 mm enlarged front disc brake with race-level 4 piston radial mounted calipers for improved braking performance. The scooter is equipped with an advanced Bosch ABS 10 braking system and a traction control system
For more information, see the 2 Series or visit the website of Gogoro.
2025 Gogoro Models
Old Models
๐ Asian Manufacturer
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