Fonzarelli Arthur 1 Moped
The Arthur 1 is an elektr skuter from electric scooter manufacturer Fonzarelli from Australia. The name of the company is inspired by character Fonzie from the 1960's TV show Happy Days. The company's credo is "Bespoke styling. Amped up performance. And most importantly, zero emissions".
The scooter has a 3ย 000 vatt electric motor for a top speed of 50 km/soat. The motor provides a high torque for fast acceleration.
The scooter has a removeable Lithium battery for a driving range of 100 km. The charge time is 1,5 daqiqa for a 80% charge using a regular wall outlet and the scooter supports fast charging using a type 2 electric car charger.
Skuter Kinetik Energiyani Qaytarish Tizimi (KERS) yoki regenerativ tormozlash bilan jihozlangan, bu yerda tormozlashdan olingan energiya batareygaga qaytariladi.
Skuter CBS tormozlari, orqaga harakatlanish rejimi va mobil telefon uchun USB zaryadlash portlari kabi zamonaviy xususiyatlarga ega.
Customization on demand
The scooter is available in any color and can be customized by the factory.
We all want different thrills and experience from our ride and at FonzLab we make this happen. Here your Fonzarelli is personalised to suit your lifestyle. From enhanced performance and tech upgrades, to bespoke styling.
The scooter can be ordered online and is shipped worldwide.
2025 Fonzarelli Models
Old Models
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