The CAKE Kalk OR is an electric cross motorcycle by Electric Moped manufacturer CAKE from Sweden. The company is derived from the passion for gravity sports and is dedicated to the category light electric off-Road Motorbikes (L.E.Os.).
The name Kalk is derived from kalksten, the limestone bedrock of the Swedish island of Gotland, where CAKE’s test grounds are located.
The Kalk OR is not street legal. The focus of the design has been on off-road performance and innovation.
The Kalk OR has a 11 000 vatt electric motor with 277 Nm torque. The top speed is dependent on the gear configuration and is + 100 km/soat.
The moped has a 50 Ah Lithium battery for a range of 80 km. The battery is of the same type as the batteries in the Tesla Model S. The battery is suitable for use in cold and hot environments (-20°C to 55°C).
The moped is available in any color.
The moped can be ordered online and is shipped worldwide.
Kalk Model Series
2025 CAKE Models
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